Thursday, September 13, 2007

Community Service - Gangs

Gangs is an issues to not only me but to everyone living in this crazy world. You hear on the news about gunfights, gang-related in school, drive-by shooting and somethimes innocent people gets killed for no apparent reasons. Many feared gangs. I've been there and seen wild things. I used to live in a area in Wichita where its known as a gang terroritory. I also went to middle and high school and being involve with gangs. It was terrrible. You get beat down just to join. Women gets raped to be in the group. And for the worse part you are mark for life if you ever want'll face death. Thats the way how it is. The law around the world are trying its best to get rid of this problems. But some of them feared the gangs also. Certain groups are at large and can be the most dangerous gang of all in which other gangs can fear them. this site here gives info. about gangs and you can learn about them. Other resources that can help you to learn and how to deal and be safe in the community you live in To keep your kids safe just pay close attention to them. If they hang with the wrong group, doing drugs, wearing certain clothings and colors, the way they talk, tatoo markings relating to a gang then theres something going on. They're life is on the line. Move to a different neighborhood, put them in a safe school, take them to church, have them participate sports, a family get-together. Whatever there is to keep your children doing good deeds. Trust me I've been there and done that. I started playing soccer and hang around with my family and good friends and of course my love of my life. It got me out the gang situations and away from drugs, prison and death.

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