Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning Profile-Final

This is the last and a summary assignment for my blog. I've learn quite a bit in this class as some others weren't interesting. An overall summary of the common themes I read in the text book was the one and only time the class were asked to read and write as an assignment was Ch. 5: Learn. We are led to truth by our weaknesses as well as our strengths. This is where I've learned about myself which I didn't know. I learned my learning style, personality type, dominant intelligence, etc. My strengths as a learner is to listen and watch and do it after them. As I am majoring in Auto Collison Repairer I know that I like to listen and be shown how to use tools and fix parts. My weaknesses is sometimes I miss out when I have other things on my mind. I short of get stressed out when I have so much to do. But at the same time I learned how to control my schedule by take things one step at a time. But coming to this class was as much to me. This is my second year and I pretty much know my way around and work things. I have my plans shorted out and I'm good to go. But the most important skills I learned was visual. As I said before I like to watch and learn. I work and learn better when someone teaches and show me at the same time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty has a lot to do with cheating and plagiarism. There are even more issues to this. People nowadays do wrongful things to overcome their fustrations for example like on homework by copying off answers from another paper. One of the most common forms of cheating is "plagiarism". It's when a person uses another words or ideas without proper citation. Thats why theres such thing as a copyright law. Which in other terms don't steal. Therefore teacher at schools take close attentions to students when it comes to a writting assignments. Teachers should explain this situation for their understanding to not do stupid things. Because if you get busted doing this you are in deep trouble and it can push you back instead of going foward with your life.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Coping with Changes

Coping with changes is what everyone deals with. You go through changes in life no matter whats the situation is. I've been through changes in good times and bad times. The biggest change in my life is being a teenager turning at the age 16. Reasons is because you can drive. Other changes are your appearance, facial hairs, personality , etc. For the most part is turning 18 knowing that you become an adult. Nowadays I do things on my own after being used to my mothers doing so much for me. 'Cause now I make my own appointments, write my own signatures on important paper signings. I'm more mature and know my ways. I learn a lot bout myself when growing. I live at El Dorado going to Butler. That's also another change. I'm use to being around with my family and girlfriend. But now I'm on my own with friends and others I meet. It doesn't bother me as much because every weekened I go back to visit them. I enjoy my life before and now and looking foward to my future!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Academic Plan

I'm currently in my second year here at Butler. Just about halfway through achieving my goals. Of course first thing first is to make it through and graduate to earn my Associate degree and certification in Auto Body Repairer. I already know what class is required and guarantee to pass with a good grade. After graduating from Butler I'm still continuing to go finish the rest of my 2 year at WSU to get a Bachelor degree. So basically I'm doing a 4 year deal. Shortly I will get my own apartment and start working. Till then I will be realizing I'm doing y career that I dreamed to do. Work as much hour I can get to get big money and purchase my dream car. During my time I will get married with my soul-mate I'm with now, living in a much bigger house. I haven't mentioned yet I also want to get an degree in business at WSU. Therefore I could get my own place. I know what it takes to get there and I'm doing it slowly and taking it one step at at a time. Good luck to me, myself and Orlando.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Community Service - Gangs

Gangs is an issues to not only me but to everyone living in this crazy world. You hear on the news about gunfights, gang-related in school, drive-by shooting and somethimes innocent people gets killed for no apparent reasons. Many feared gangs. I've been there and seen wild things. I used to live in a area in Wichita where its known as a gang terroritory. I also went to middle and high school and being involve with gangs. It was terrrible. You get beat down just to join. Women gets raped to be in the group. And for the worse part you are mark for life if you ever want'll face death. Thats the way how it is. The law around the world are trying its best to get rid of this problems. But some of them feared the gangs also. Certain groups are at large and can be the most dangerous gang of all in which other gangs can fear them. this site here gives info. about gangs and you can learn about them. Other resources that can help you to learn and how to deal and be safe in the community you live in To keep your kids safe just pay close attention to them. If they hang with the wrong group, doing drugs, wearing certain clothings and colors, the way they talk, tatoo markings relating to a gang then theres something going on. They're life is on the line. Move to a different neighborhood, put them in a safe school, take them to church, have them participate sports, a family get-together. Whatever there is to keep your children doing good deeds. Trust me I've been there and done that. I started playing soccer and hang around with my family and good friends and of course my love of my life. It got me out the gang situations and away from drugs, prison and death.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Time Management

I've had moments when managing my time poorly put me in the spot where I do not like to be in and know I can do better. It comes to me most of the time starting in high school and so on as days go by. For instance, I played soccer all 4yrs from starting to graduating. When I come late to practice or miss a day without excuses I get my consquences. Not suit up for the next upcoming game or run around the field during practice 'till the coach say "Your're done". Same thing with coming to school or work on time. Now the good part is managing my time well which I do just fine. It shows my awareness and prepared for whats new that comes to me. It's the same in college. I'm on my own as they consider being an 'adult' and I have more responsibilities. Most important is to come to class on time which I have no problem with. I also feel good about how I mature in my own judgment. There are many things around you to help you learn to better prioritize and manage your time well. Just know that you can do it and be happy about what you do in life.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Case Study #4 - "Failing Classes"

I read the struggles of a young man name Brook who is a freshman at Butler. I see that your're failing classes at the moment and fell even deeper after the DUI incident which you have to confess to your parents whose counting on you in college. Only two months in Butler ain't a problem as can still turn things around. Take care of the confessing and hoping they'll forgive you giving you a second chance. Secondly, is your grade. There are some helpfull resources on the website which its the only thang I know. Importantly talk to your instructors I'm sure they can help by giving you some quality time to do work. Do it a people person and don't be afarid to ask. Now you learned your lesson what partying and drinking can do to you. Ignore that crap and put your mind into whats important to YOU...your future career. Keep your head up high and make the best out of it. There is always a second chance to turn things around in life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Hola! My name is Orlando Arambula and I am 19yrs old. This is my second year here at Butler. Yes...I was suppose to take this class last year ,but things got mixed up. I'm majoring in Auto Body Repairer. I love cars and the style of it when its tuned up like you see on the movie Fast and the Furious! I wish Butler have a boys soccer team so I could play one of my favorite sport. Soccer is my passion. I am planning to graduate here and maybe go to Newmen Unv. to finish the next 2yrs and possibly play soccer there. Other than that I live here on campus in the East dorm building just doing what I have to do...go to class, do homework, eat, and of course talk to my love one otherwise she'll go nuts if I don't talk to her in a day. It's a girl thing. Well that's it for now. Adios!